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Treatment of hypokalemia; prevention of potassium depletion in certain conditions. Parenterally, as prophylaxis or treatment of moderate-to-severe potassium loss when oral therapy is not adequate or feasible. Unlabeled use(s): Treatment of thallium poisoning; with anticholinesterase agents in myasthenia gravis.
Major intracellular cation, essential in maintaining acid base balance and isotonicity within cells. Functions in muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, gastric secretion, renal function and metabolism.
Abdominal discomfort or distention; GI obstruction; bleeding; ulceration or perforation; nausea; vomiting; flatulence. GU: Oliguria; anuria. OTHER: Hyperkalemia (symptoms may include paresthesia of extremities; listlessness; confusion; weak or heavy limbs; flaccid paralysis; hypotension; arrhythmias; heart block; cardiac arrest; prolonged QT interval; wide QRS complex; peaked T waves; ST depression.

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